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My Fathers Time in the Korean War

Roger Lamothe Korean War Veteran

      My Dad was born September of 1932. In 1950’s  enlistments in the services began at 18 and a half,  17 with your parents permission. My Dad was I had always heard my Dad lied and had his parents sign him in at 16 and a half but the math doesn't add up. I was able recently to get what records survived the 1973 fire at the National Personnel Records Center.  This fire in 1973 destroyed most of the records of army servicemen and women serving between 1912 -1959.  My Dad enlisted for a three year period with the Army reporting to Providence RI on June 28th 1950 at 17 and 3/4 years old.  Three days prior June 25th 1950 the North Koreans crossed the 38th parallel and began the Korean War.  Boot camp was at Fort Dix near Trenton NJ in summer to fall of 1950.  He attained the rank of Private 2nd class (E-2) on September 30, 1952 most likely when he finished BCT at Fort Dix (Basic Combat Training). He was honorably discharged as a Staff Sergeant (E-6) June 23, 1953 at the Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland.  The armistice was signed July 27, 1953 he left about one month before the war's end.

      Therefore early 1951 seems more realistic based on conversations of when he arrived. I do know he was in artillery or was infantry that protected artillery pieces if not also helping to fire one.  I know he met his older brother who was stationed in t he Air Force in Japan who almost beat my Dad  for joining the Army and not being in an Airman's position of “relative” safety and the opportunity at techni cal training.   He was wounded by shrapnel in his leg and said he could have put in for a purple heart but didn’t pursue it.  He was called “Jake” by his fellow soldiers because of the similarity of LaMotta and Lamothe, professional boxer Jake laMotta the middle weight champion in 1948 and the 1980’s movie “The Raging Bull” is based on his life.

8th US Army 
        25th Army Division “Tropic Thunder”
                      35th Infantry Regiment “Cacti”

8th US Army 

    June 25, 1950 when 75,000 North Korean troops with Russian made tanks invaded South Korea, igniting the Korean War. U.S. naval and air forces quickly became involved in combat operations, and it was soon clear that U.S. ground forces would have to be committed. 
    To stem the North Korean advance, the occupation forces in Japan were thus shipped off to South Korea as quickly as possible, but their lack of training and equipment was telling, as some of the initial U.S. units were destroyed by the North Koreans. 
     However, the stage was eventually reached as enough units of Eighth Army arrived in Korea to make a firm front. The North Koreans threw themselves against that front, the Pusan Perimeter, and failed to break it.

       Eighth Army arrived in July 1950 and never left. —Lt. Gen. Thomas S. Vandal, CG, Eighth Army, 29 August 2017